Filipus Bramantyo Meirdivitanto


Includes Prototyping, Axure RP 9


This project case is about redesigning a website called As you can see, the actual website looks very unorganized. The images, the text descriptions, the indexes, it's everywhere! When I opened the website for the first time in my internet browser, I closed the tab immediately because it's to painful to look at. So in order to redesign the website, I planned to divide the website canvas into 4 section which is the basics (header, navigation bar, content, footer). The home page header contains the name of the website and the logo. The navigation bar contains category buttons such as electronics, toys, etc. It also contains search bar, wishlist button, shopping cart button, and profile button. For the home page content, it contains list of new product cards, a featured original collection, and a featured indexes. And for the product details page, The contents are the images/videos of the product, the description and details, button to add to cart or wishlist, and list of similar product cards.
